• keith Johnson

    Senior pAStor

    Keith has been pastor at Life Covenant Church since 1991. He and his wife, Nina, have two daughters.  Originally from Minneapolis, MN, he attended Wheaton College with further studies at North Park Seminary. Keith came to Helena in 1979 as a youth pastor. He later served as a missionary in the Congo from 1984-1991.  

    Email: keith@lifecchelena.org.

  • Neil Botts

    pastor of discipleship and administration

    Neil is married to Autumn and they have two kids, Anara and Sebastian. He worked twelve years in various fields of business and workforce development. Neil served a church in Alaska for ten years and a church in Rhode Island for five years. He joined the LCC staff in July 2018.

    Email: neil@lifecchelena.org

  • Kate Plummer

    Pastor of Worship

    Kate is originally from Sydney, Australia. She has travelled extensively throughout the world and has been living in the States for the past 8 years. When she lived in Sydney, she released three of her own albums and worked as a professional musician. Here in Montana, she plays with the guitarist/cellist duo Hemispheres, which recently released their debut album, "The Corners of Mountains." She completed graduate studies in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship at George Fox University in Oregon. Kate’s favorite thing to do outdoors is go kayaking.

    Email: kate@lifecchelena.org

  • Deanna Carlson

    Pastor of children's ministries

    Deanna and her husband, Mike, have three children. The Carlson family moved to Helena in 2011 from Tucson, AZ. Before joining the LCC staff in 2017, Deanna was a classroom teacher for twelve years. Deanna enjoys relaxing with her husband and kids, backpacking, fly fishing, reading and taking her dog for walks. Her favorite week of the year is VBS.

    Email: deanna@lifecchelena.org

  • Spencer Wallace

    Pastor of Student Ministries

    Spencer graduated from Southeastern Oklahoma State in 2021 acquiring his Bachelors in Business Administration degree in Marketing while playing college baseball throughout his studies. His top hobbies now include disc golf, rock climbing, and hiking and also enjoys geography, chess, and board games.

    Email: spencer@lifecchelena.org

  • mary Eder

    Office manager

    Mary was born and raised in Helena, MT and attended LCC. She later moved to Bozeman and graduated from MSU in 2019 with a BA in Graphic Design. She now lives just south of Helena in Boulder with her husband, Josh, where she spends her free time crafting, playing with their two cats, or cooking for friends.

    Email: mary@lifecchelena.org

  • Harmony Letang

    Preschool teacher

    I am pleased to be continuing the wonderful program developed here at LCC Preschool and delighted at the opportunity to share God's love with His kids. 

    Email: preschool@lifecchelena.org

  • diane kristensen


    Diane has worked as a bookkeeper or in an office administrative role for over 25 years. She and her husband just celebrated 26 yrs of marriage and they have one son, Samuel. Diane and her family have lived in Helena for 10 years.

    Email: bookkeeping@lifecchelena.org



  • Cory Sena

    Facilities CoordinatOr

  • Jack mcneil


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